Accepting defeats with a
sporting spirit requires fair play
partners by your side.

When everything falls within your area of responsibility and action, achieving sporting success becomes almost inevitable. Securing the right sponsors, running marketing, PR, and advertising campaigns at full speed, athletes, fitter than ever, awaiting their moment: this is the winning formula for a flawlessly executed sporting event.

Yet, amidst the excitement, there are unforeseeable risks in your field of activity that cannot be precisely calculated: fog on the race track, hooligans causing chaos in football stadiums, the final 18-hole course submerged underwater, athletes stranded due to travel disruptions, injured visitors, or sports starts facing unpredicted injuries? And sooner than expected, a moderate disaster at the venue can swiftly spiral an organizer into financial ruin.

However, as an organizer or club manager, facing such challenges with a good sporting spirit becomes possible with the backing of a comprehensive and sophisticated insurance strategy. Just as Formula 1 cars rely on a professional pit crew, sporting events of all kinds require a competent team both on and off the track. By enlisting us to your team, we ensure that you are optimally prepared for potential incidents that could transform major sporting events into crises. Whether it´s the cancellation of a TV broadcast, a football club´s relegation, or sponsors withdrawing their support – while disappointing for fans and your organization, it’s certainly not a catastrophe! Why? Because we make these risks manageable and calculable.